Cristian Caro

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About Me

I obtained my degree as a civil engineer in August 2015 from the National University of Colombia. There I learned about every area of civil engineering such as project management; it gave me a real concept about the complexity and variety of disciplines involves in engineering and communication. After my graduation I had the opportunity to work for several companies; when I worked as a superintendent in the construction field, I was in charge of around 300 workers and assisted to weekly meetings with other group’s leaders to schedule the next week's activities.

After I had the chance to work as quality control for several companies, because of my position, I had to learn how to communicate with diplomacy to the other actors, in order to make my criticism the most constructive possible. Regarding my educational live, being Colombian, I had the opportunity to live in Ireland during 2017, sharing with people from every part of the world and improving my languages skills. Lately, I have been living in Hungary since September 2019, where I share in my daily basis with people from all the continents.

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